The 7th Plane

Current Vote - Lampryi Disciplines

Should Lampryi only be able to use the highest powers in the disciplines specific to their clans?

  • Yes. That would make individual characters within the class more unique and diverse.
  • No. I would hate losing access to some powers.
  • I don't care. I am indifferent toward this change, as it may not even affect me.

(View Results)

All Votes

VotesDescriptionsTotal Votes
Lampryi Disciplines Should Lampryi only be able to use the highest powers in the disciplines specific to their clans? 54
Administrative Ethics Should administrators be able to play on their own games? 25
New Features What do you think of the new changes to the MUD? 13
Favorite Weapon Which weapon type is your current favorite? 51
Most Wanted Area Which area do you want finished the most? 32
Favorite NPC Which NPC type is your favorite? 28
Favorite Area Which area is your favorite? 23
Most Wanted Feature Which feature do you want finished the most? 36
MCCP Would you use MCCP if it were available? 29
Favorite Features Which features on the MUD are your favorites? 41
Most Wanted Class Which class do you want finished the most? 60
The Site What do you think of the site? 47
Favorite Class Which class is your favorite? 73